July 24, 2024
2x2-3x- 5 = 0

2×2-3x- 5 = 0 | Solved Quadratic Equation

“2×2-3x- 5 = 0” is more than just an equation; it’s a mathematical narrative. Mathematics, often regarded as a universal language, employs equations as its eloquent sentences. In this context, “2×2-3x- 5 = 0” emerges as a pivotal character in the mathematical story we’re about to explore. Before we immerse ourselves in the intricate world of numerical solutions and problem-solving techniques related to this equation, it’s paramount to grasp the larger narrative of where “2×2 – 3x – 5 = 0” fits in the realm of mathematics.

Understanding the Basics of 2×2-3x- 5 = 0

In the world of mathematics, the quadratic equation is a fundamental concept that often bewilders students and learners alike. The equation “2×2-3x- 5 = 0” is one such quadratic equation that can leave many scratching their heads.

Defining a Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of the second degree, typically written as “ax² + bx + c = 0,” where ‘a,’ ‘b,’ and ‘c’ are constants, and ‘x’ is the variable we aim to solve for. The equation “2×2-3x- 5 = 0” is a specific example of a quadratic equation.

Key Components of 2×2-3x- 5 = 0

Let’s break down the equation:

  • The coefficient ‘2’ in front of ‘x²’ is ‘a.’
  • The coefficient ‘-3’ in front of ‘x’ is ‘b.’
  • The constant ‘-5’ is ‘c.’

2x2-3x- 5 = 0

Solving the Equation

To solve the equation “2×2-3x- 5 = 0,” we can use the quadratic formula, which is as follows:

x = (-b ± √(b² – 4ac)) / (2a)

Let’s apply this formula to our equation:

  1. a = 2, b = -3, c = -5
  2. Calculate the discriminant: Δ = b² – 4ac
    • Δ = (-3)² – 4(2)(-5)
    • Δ = 9 + 40
    • Δ = 49
  3. Find the two solutions using the quadratic formula:
    • x₁ = (-(-3) + √49) / (2 * 2)
    • x₂ = (-(-3) – √49) / (2 * 2)

Solving these equations, we get two solutions:

  • x₁ = (3 + 7) / 4 = 10/4 = 2.5
  • x₂ = (3 – 7) / 4 = -4/4 = -1

So, the solutions for “2×2-3x- 5 = 0” are x = 2.5 and x = -1.

Also Read:

The Geometric Interpretation

Quadratic equations offer a captivating geometric perspective, revealing an intricate connection to the world of curves. Specifically, these equations graphically depict the elegant shape known as a parabola—a symmetrical U-shaped curve. In our given equation, the parabola takes on an upward orientation, a characteristic attributed to the positive coefficient ‘2’ preceding ‘x².’ The solutions we derived, namely 2.5 and -1, serve as the precise x-coordinates where the parabola gracefully intersects the x-axis, marking key points of significance on its graceful trajectory through the coordinate plane.

Real-World Applications

Quadratic equations are not just abstract mathematical concepts; they have practical applications in various fields:

  • Physics: In physics, quadratic equations are used to describe the motion of objects under the influence of gravity, such as projectiles and free-falling objects.
  • Engineering: Engineers employ quadratic equations to design bridges, determine load-bearing capacities, and analyze structural stability.
  • Finance: In finance, quadratic equations are utilized to calculate investment returns and optimize portfolios.
  • Computer Science: In computer science, quadratic equations are used in algorithms, simulations, and game development.

Further Exploration

The mathematical expression “2×2-3x- 5 = 0” serves as a mere introduction to the vast realm of mathematical intricacies. Quadratic equations, such as this one, function as a gateway leading to more advanced and profound mathematical concepts. Acquiring proficiency in solving quadratic equations not only enhances problem-solving skills but also acts as a key to unlocking the doors to a profound and expansive world of mathematical knowledge. This knowledge extends beyond the immediate challenges posed by quadratic equations, offering a foundation for exploring and understanding more complex mathematical principles. In essence, mastering quadratic equations opens up a panorama of opportunities for delving into the profound beauty and elegance of mathematical reasoning.

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